One morning on the Vespa, just after Fontia, where one can see the whole valley—a beautiful, vast panorama—I realized, we all see the same things. The only difference is in our perception and experience. Then it came to me.
“You’re sculpting the PHYSICAL world.Change channels! Sculpt the SPIRITUAL WORLD!”
I loaded the stones on the Vespa and then brum, brum, brum...
You don’t know how many times I’ve burned out the engine!
But, I don’t start a sculpture unless I have an extraordinary piece of marble.
I value relationships with everyone. The very young ones I try to help. As I learned, I try to teach others—and do it gladly.
To the young people I say: “Describe the sculpture as it is inside. Carving is the easiest part. Sculpture must come to you, and you must go to her."
When you have inner silence, you lack nothing.
The bird sings because he has a song. I have a song: I feel lucky.
As an artist, I feel blessed to be in Italy. For a sculptor, then, being in Carrara is the maximum.
I feel kissed by the sun because I live in Carrara. Here is my heart. Here is my place. And for this I'm a lucky man.
Ma io mi sento circondato da una luce bianca.
Ho questa abilità: Cost'vo di più.
“Robert artist who loves California and lives as in a dream, atop the Apuan Alps.”